Sunday, January 11, 2009


*no other couple can compare to this*

I am sure no one can be comparable to this two.
I feel amie. The loss, the pain, the agony, the suffering, the love, the longing, the sadness, the happiness, the hardship..

Peppy, AMIE. God knows and holds your future. God believes in you, in JunJun. So believe in him too. Trust God's plan. You'll be surprised. Trust JunJun. I am quite sure and confident that he'll not let you down. Maybe, he did, but not this time. He'll always be there with you. He will always be your angel. I trust JunJun that he'll still love you for eternity. I know because he is there now. ETERNITY.

Amie, don't lose hope. God and JunJun love you. Trust them.

And I love you too, peppy. I may not be present always, but I will always be there if you need me, just tell me. I want to hug you, as tight as I can. Just to make sure you're okay, until I feel with that hug that you are okay.

Be happy peppy. I love you so much! Jun Jun loves you so much, not in a comprehensible way. I trust him...

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