Just when I thought I'm being so indecisive, messages from different people come flooding in, texts, calls, YM messages, you name it. And I'm just so happy that these messages came just in the nick of time, just when I really needed it. Let me share some of the messages my friends (close and not close to me) sent me. Some were just group messages, but they are just really of PERFECT TIMING. It's like, these messages, or quotes if I may say, answered my doubts. God really has plans! And sometimes, His plans are difficult to find out. But if you have faith and you are very keen, you'll notice it. There is no definite sign or anything, you'll just know.
This I got from Nas Balajadia, when I was just so torn between the concrete plans I have made, and the sudden, unexpected, even unwanted opportunity. Here it goes:
This I got from Nas Balajadia, when I was just so torn between the concrete plans I have made, and the sudden, unexpected, even unwanted opportunity. Here it goes:
I believe we write our own stories. And each time we think we know the end-- we don't. Perhaps luck exists somewhere between the world of planning, world of chance, and in peace that comes from knowing that you just can't know it all. Life's funny that way. Once you let go of the wheel, you might end up right where you belong.--that hit me right there.
Then after accepting that I don't know it all (not even my future, and even if I know that I don't know everything), I got my very first job. And on my first day, I was so worked out and worried if I could meet the company's and bosses' standards and expectations, I was so worried of making a mistake (but of course, it's given, I always make mistakes, we all do). I admit that I am having a hard time handling even simple administrative tasks and I won't even make excuses anymore. Later that day, I received a text from Krystal Alforte, my High School friend that says:
Nothing starts easy. Everything begins at some level of difficulty. Even waking up requires certain efforts. But one thing beautiful about life is the fact that what is most difficult is also the most rewarding and the most satisfying.
So, here I am, now at my 2nd day of work. I know that there is still a lot ahead. But, this is my present, the most important thing we have to deal with --not the past, not even the future. What we have is the present, and right now, I am working on it, my present.
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